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Now Available on DVD!

3D-DVD-cover 500 no licence

While more than 4,000 churches close every year, others are finding reasons for great hope and a bright future. Why?

Director Thom Schultz set out on a journey to uncover why churches—once the heart and soul of their communities—are now shrinking in both size and influence. What he discovered gives you unprecedented insight and serves as a powerful wake-up call.

You’ll go behind the curtain at a congregation that’s seen attendance plunge from 900 to 40. Witness innovative new forms of church that are thriving, from a pub outreach in Pennsylvania to a Texas ministry that gathers in 300 neighborhoods every week.

Experience hope as you get a refreshing glimpse into the future of faith.

DVD is intended for private home use only. To show the film to a larger audience purchase a screening license click here.

View On Demand


You can watch When God Left The Building right now by choosing the On Demand feature. This option allows you to stream the film on your television, computer, tablet, or even your mobile device whenever you want. Simply click the button below to get started.

Bring the Film to


When God Left The Building will bring hope and new life to your congregation. And now you can bring the film directly to your church.

You get…

  • A DVD copy of When God Left The Building and a 1-year screening license to screen the film for your leadership team, entire congregation, small groups, and community.
  • Editable publicity materials: poster, bulletin inserts, PowerPoint slides, postcards, and press release templates.
  • Trailer of the film to generate interest at your church.
  • Discussion guide for engaging your congregation/groups after the film.

Choose a license based on the size of average weekend service attendance.