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3 Things to Ask Before Calling a Meeting

3 Things to Ask Before Calling a Meeting
April 19, 2017 Bob D'Ambrosio

Does your team groan when you mention having another meeting? Do you find that some say they will come but don’t, and others just blow it off completely? If this sounds familiar, here are three questions you need to ask before calling your next meeting:

1. What’s the purpose?
Have you identified the reason for holding a meeting? If it’s just to impart information—send a text message. If it’s to delegate tasks—make a phone call. If you’re looking for collaboration around your team’s mission—call the meeting!

2. What’s your motivation?
Why do you need to meet? Is it to cast vision? Solve a problem? Too often we invite people to a meeting to develop vision or to solve a problem, when what we really want is a platform to share our idea and enlist people to get it done. That’s information impartation and delegation of tasks. No meeting required; send an email, letter, or make a phone call.

3. Who are you inviting?
Who feels valued when they’re invited to participate in planning and problem-solving—potential leaders. There will always be people who are happier with an email or phone call asking them to do a task, and that’s perfectly fine. Find the people who want to be involved and who are eager to collaborate. Listen to them, sincerely value their input, invite them to wrestle with your ideas and be willing to entertain theirs!

After you’ve thought through these questions—determine if a meeting is needed. You may find yourself getting an open night to spend time with the family!

Bob D’Ambrosio is a 25-year veteran of frontline church ministry and now serves with Group’s content solutions team. He’s a trainer for volunteer equipping, a Refresh the Church blogger, and a ministry coach for Group U. Bob is a contributing author and general editor of the E4:12 Bible Study Series Better Together: Connecting to God and Others and Leading Out: Connecting People to Purpose.


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