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Are You Leading Volunteers or Managing Them?

Are You Leading Volunteers or Managing Them?
May 15, 2013 Bob D'Ambrosio


Do you lead volunteers—or manage them? 

Today’s volunteer doesn’t want to be managed….they want to be led. If leadership is not your gift area, we can help fill in the gaps.

Group’s Volunteer Leadership Series is here to help you find proven ideas to turn your church into a place volunteers want to plug in. This set contains all three volumes of the series, Jump Start, Moving Forward, and Go the Distance. This series has been designed to help you build a firm foundation in your volunteer ministry, and then move beyond the basics to sustain your program and keep it growing.

You’ll learn:

  • How to create a program people want to plug in
  • Position descriptions you can actually use
  • Solid methods for recruiting and training volunteers
  • Ways to encourage and energize your volunteers
  • Encouraging and energizing your volunteers
  • Ways for keeping everyone accountable to continue


Leading volunteers just got easier!
