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Survival Tips for Multi-Hat Leaders

Survival Tips for Multi-Hat Leaders
March 27, 2014 CVDaily Editors

How many ministry hats do you wear? If you’re like most church leaders you own more than your share.

Multi-hat leaders face some unique challenges. However, there are some common strategies that can help you manage your ministries with greater focus and efficiency:

Do the things that only you can do.

Something that has helped me manage my responsibilities, or “hats”, is to define what things I need to do, and what are things “anyone” could do. By anyone, I mean someone other than me!

If you’re a youth leader and it’s your responsibility to prepare a lesson or message for youth worship, then that is something you should do. However, planning the group games or snacks are things others could do. Your primary role is your ability to create a meaningful message for the kids. That is the hat you shouldn’t delegate, at least not on a regular basis.

Give up the right to know everything.

As a leader, you don’t have the bandwidth to know everything. Trying to keep up with every detail will only clutter your mind and hinder your ability to do the things you need to do. Create teams of people who can handle the details. Trust them to do so, and also to communicate with you only the things that need your attention.

Ask for and expect team communication.

It’s helpful to establish in advance which types of situations or decisions you want your people to include you on. If you or you team are uncertain as to when communication is warranted, you may all end up wasting valuable time on unnecessary phone calls or emails. Rely on them to keep you informed (and tell them as much). Schedule time to touch base—this will save hours of time spent tracking down information and needless rounds of phone tag.

Define and redefine the positions and tasks that you delegate on a regular basis.

Perhaps last year you had a volunteer who handled your website AND ran your Facebook page. But this year, someone with web experience also wants to lead a small group. Redefine roles and responsibilities and avoid having the same expectations of each volunteer based on prior volunteers. Rely on ministry descriptions to lead and train your people to take ownership in their ministry areas.



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