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Children's Ministry Blog

  • Take This Survey to See if Your Church Attracts Volunteers

    By in Lead, Volunteers on

    Does your church promote a culture that encourages people to serve in ministry? Do the leaders see their job as equippers rather than doers of all significant things? Here’s how you can find out. Take the following volunteer attitude and behavior survey…

  • 7 things to bring ashore from Maker Fun Factory VBS

    By in VBS on

    If there’s one thing we learned from decorating for Maker Fun Factory, it’s that you can make something cool out of pretty much anything. So we’ve come up with some great ways to re-purpose your Maker Fun Factory decorations for Shipwrecked…

  • 3 things kids showed us at Shipwrecked VBS

    By in VBS on

    Shipwrecked VBS is here! For months, our team has worked, researched, written, tested, and designed. We listened to kids, parents, and church leaders. We fine-tuned the Bible message, going deeper than a beachy theme, and giving kids the reassurance that…

  • 4 Ways to Keep Your Volunteers

    By in Retain, Training, Volunteers on

    Getting volunteers is one thing; keeping them is another! If ministry leaders want to keep volunteers engaged in service, they should consider the advice of Dobie Houson and Jim Diehl in their article “5 Warning Signs You’re Losing Your People”. This…

  • When Volunteers Should be Paid

    By in Lead, Volunteers on

    They say volunteers aren’t paid—because they’re priceless. But have you ever felt as though a high-capacity volunteer should be paid? Has a volunteer ever asked to be “promoted” to paid staff? This situation is becoming more frequent due to our current economy.…