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Children's Ministry Blog

  • 7 Principles For Doing Life Together: Do your groups make the grade?

    By in Retain, Volunteers on

    “Doing life together” has become a cliche to describe small groups and ministry teams. In their new book, From Couch to Community: Activating the Potential of Small Groups, Austin Maxheimer and Zach Below identify 7 principles that may serve as filters…

  • The Top 5 Myths About Background Checks

    By in Sunday School on

    Background checking is still the most effective method of screening out potential danger from church ministry. Yet, many church leaders still buy into these myths: 1. Everyone knows everyone in our church so checks aren’t essential. Statistics show that the…

  • 5 Ways to Avoid Burnout

    By in Lead on

    Leading church volunteers can be a challenge. If your leadership energy is about to short-circuit you may need to try these 5 suggestions from Michelle Goodman, a Seattle-based business journalist. 1. Weigh the payoff of every task. Make sure you…

  • 3 Steps for Keeping Ministry Safe

    By in Sunday School on

    April is National Child Abuse Prevention month.  Is your ministry safe? Consider these facts: ***Every year more than 3 million reports of child abuse are made in the United States involving over 6 million children. ***The United States has one…

  • Survival Tips for Multi-Hat Leaders

    By in Lead on

    How many ministry hats do you wear? If you’re like most church leaders you own more than your share. Multi-hat leaders face some unique challenges. However, there are some common strategies that can help you manage your ministries with greater…