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Children's Ministry Blog

  • 5 Forces That Will Reform The Church

    By in Lead on

    The American church is entering a time of unprecedented upheaval. In 20 years, what we call the church will look very different from today. Thinkers at this year’s national Future of the Church summit, sponsored by Group Publishing, envisioned a…

  • Are You Letting Your Volunteers Serve?

    By in Lead on

    Last July, while volunteering at a Group Week of Hope mission trip, I realized I’m still a recovering “one-man-band”.  As part of the “Red Shirt Team” I thought I’d go the extra mile to help the youth who had been…

  • How God Defines Success

    By in Lead on

    How do you know whether you’re being successful? That was the question I recently posed to a small group of pastors. The silence that followed indicated that perhaps they didn’t understand what I was asking, so I rephrased it:  “How…

  • Take Your Culture’s Temperature

    By in Lead on

    Does your church have a volunteer-welcoming culture? It’s good to know, because slick volunteer recruitment won’t make a bit of difference, if once people sign up, they don’t like how you do business. Think about Disney World. Disney spends a…

  • Creating a Team from Scratch

    By in Recruit, Training, Volunteers on

    Teams are a powerful way to bring ministry to life!  Let’s build a team like we would bake a cake—from scratch. Consider these key ingredients… 3 c. flour  –  Pray without ceasing (the largest ingredient in the cake and its…