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5 No-Fail Volunteer Affirmation Tips

5 No-Fail Volunteer Affirmation Tips
November 8, 2010 CVDaily Editors

Make it a new procedure to begin or end each volunteer committee meeting with a volunteer affirmation time. These simple volunteer appreciation gift ideas can provide crucial affirmation for your team’s success, and your team members will remember what you say a long time.

Try these volunteer appreciation gift ideas to leave a lasting impression on your volunteers:

1. Ice cream snacks

Serve ice cream bonbons. The French word “bon” means “good.” As you hand out the bonbons, thank each person for the good job they do. Serve Eskimo Pies to those leading a group to Alaska or leaving for a cold-weather activity such as skiing.

2. Fruitful affirmations

Serve apples and say, “You’re the apple of my eye because of your musical leadership” or “…because of your help with phone calls.” Serve oranges and say: “Orange you glad you serve with this church? We’re sure glad you do!” Or a peach to someone whose “peachy” organizational talents have been invaluable.

3. Chocolate eggs

Distribute chocolate eggs to each volunteer and say: “You’re a good egg. Thanks for all you do.”

4. Turkey of an affirmation

Think of a tough time volunteer helped your church. Award a chocolate or stuffed turkey to that person for “the turkey of a time you helped us through.”

5. Picture perfect

Snap candid photos of a staff member in action. Attach a photo and a note to a gift especially for him or her. For example, attach a photo of the custodian to a new bottle of window cleaner. Add a note that says, “Thanks for your sparkling personality and for all the help with setup and cleanup at church events.”

Or, take a photo of a volunteer youth worker dressed in a clown outfit leading a Halloween game or festive church activity. Attach the photo to some new clown makeup and say: “Thanks for your zany enthusiasm. You add color to our program.”


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