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A Gift Your Volunteers Will Remember

A Gift Your Volunteers Will Remember
October 20, 2010 Sue Brage

Have you ever been at a loss when trying to find the perfect gift? My eldest’s birthday was last week. While he is very helpful with his suggestions, I always like to come up with something original and special for my kids. (This gets so much harder the older they get!) I actually love gift-giving. I enjoy coming up with creative ideas that perfectly suit the recipient. Still, there are times when it is a struggle to come up with something appropriate that truly expresses what that person means to me. This can be the challenge when it comes to volunteer appreciation gift ideas, too.

“Finally, all of you be of one mind, having compassion for one another;
love as brothers, be tenderhearted, be courteous”
(1 Peter 3:8.)

When I read this verse, it hit me that there is a gift everyone longs for yet we give so infrequently: the gift of compassion. Often we think compassion is reserved for the world—like orphans and needy people groups. They certainly need our compassion. But we shouldn’t forget the people in our families and churches who need our compassion too.

Compassion is more than being sympathetic to someone’s situation. It is choosing to show mercy, even when none is warranted. Compassion shows someone that you forgo the “right” or desire to judge them for anything and instead choose to respond graciously. In Jesus’ life, compassion moved him to act.

The next time you are looking for the perfect volunteer appreciation gift ideas, stop and think about this…

  • How can I show more compassion to my staff…or volunteers?
  • Do I have a grudge or opinion of someone I need to let go of?
  • Am I aware of a situation or personal need that I could go the extra mile and offer my time, energy, or resources to help?
  • Will you ask God to soften your heart towards even the most difficult of people, and choose to love and bless them despite their past behavior?

When we choose to display compassion to our people, it will compel us to engage in a deeper way, and get involved in their lives on a much deeper level. What a precious gift this can be!


  1. Andee Marks 14 years ago

    You know, Sue, you have such an excellent point here. Most of us don’t need any more “stuff,” even when it’s given in sincere appreciation. “Stuff” has a shelf-life, but the memory of a kind gesture during a time of need or an offer of unmerited grace will be remembered long after the stuff expires!

  2. sueb 14 years ago

    Exactly. I know from being on the receiving end of grace–you do remember it pretty much forever!

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