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Honoring the Dads That Serve

Honoring the Dads That Serve
June 6, 2013 Kurt Johnson And Katie Edwards

June is the perfect opportunity to honor “Dad”. Not just our heavenly Father but our earthly fathers too. Honor the dads on your volunteer team by sending them a small encouragement on Father’s Day.

Go to a local thrift store and pick up a variety of old neckties.  Attach a note or write directly on the front of the tie.  Perhaps something such as, “Thanks for dressing up our ministry”, or “Your help ties everything together.”  Personalize each tie, honoring and encouraging the Dads that serve in your ministry. Give the customized ties as awards, or use as a ribbon to wrap a special gift.

What ideas do you have for honoring the Dads in your church?  Share your thoughts below in the comment box. 




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