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Make Safety Fun: Here’s a Fresh Idea

Make Safety Fun: Here’s a Fresh Idea
July 6, 2011 Sue Brage

Here’s a fresh approach to getting those dastardly background checks, permission forms, and volunteer paperwork done all at once! Host a church-wide “Not in Our Church” Safety Fair for all prospective and current volunteers. Include youth helpers, parents, and everyone who has a role in keeping kids in your church safe.

  • Pick a Sunday in late summer or early fall. The “back-to-school” season is the perfect window as parents are already in fill out form mode.
  • Ask for a youth, children’s, and family ministry representative to join you in planning the event. Recruit a couple of administrative-minded volunteers to help organize and collect the necessary forms at the event.
  • Have each area put together a booth. Brainstorm ideas for activities that will get kids and families involved. Emphasize how important the safety and well-being of the people in your ministry are!
  • Invite community protection agencies to participate, such as child welfare, fire and police departments, Boy and Girl Scout troops. Ask each one to bring a safety-related activity for the kids and youth to participate in.
  • Fire up the grill! Selling a simple lunch of a dog, chips, and a drink can help cover your costs.
  • Set up a couple of workstations for parents and volunteers to complete the paperwork you need for the year. They won’t even notice, they’ll be having so much fun!


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