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The Top Five Resolutions for a Safe New Year

The Top Five Resolutions for a Safe New Year
January 15, 2019 Bob D'Ambrosio

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]There’s something about a new year that pushes us toward a start fresh. We want to make sure we’re heading in the right direction. Which means this is the best time of the year to review your safety policies and procedures. Resolve to make 2019 the year for safe ministry. Here’s how:

  • Resolve to pray – Your church leadership should consider spending time in prayer for direction as you move forward in creating a safe church environment.
  • Resolve to create a written policy – Create a written policy that explains the rationale for background checking. Determine which ministry positions will require checking, and how often you’ll rescreen. Have the policy approved by your church’s governing board and then incorporate into your staff handbook.
  • Resolve to screen – When it comes to safety and screening, talk is a great place to start, but action is required. If your ministry is not conducting background checks, resolve to make that happen this year.
  • Resolve to train your staff and volunteers – Training is the key to safety. Make sure those who work with children, youth, and vulnerable adults understand their role in preventing and reporting abuse.
  • Resolve to lead – Start at the top. Senior pastors should be first in line for a background check, other paid staff members should follow, and then the volunteers. Lead by example.

Make sure your team is prepared for any situation that may arise in 2019. Resolve to make your church warm, welcoming, safe, and secure![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_separator][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]- – Taken from a recent Shepherd’s Watch newsletter. Sign up today for Shepherd’s Watch Background Checks and receive your free monthly newsletter filled with advice and tips on keeping your church safe.

(We love to provide tips to keep your ministry safe. You may also want to consult your local legal advisors to get their perspective on this topic!)[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Bob D’Ambrosio is a 25-year veteran of frontline church ministry and now serves with Group’s content solutions team. He’s a trainer for volunteer equipping, a Refresh the Church blogger, and a ministry coach for Group U. Bob is a contributing author and general editor of the E4:12 Bible Study Series Better Together: Connecting to God and Others and Leading Out: Connecting People to Purpose.


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