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Three Tips for Reaching Kids in a Coronavirus World

Three Tips for Reaching Kids in a Coronavirus World
March 31, 2020 Adam Bohlmeyer

By Group Sunday School

The medium and method may have changed over the past few weeks, but the message (and its importance) hasn’t.

Now more than ever, your mission of helping kids and families grow their faith is critical. And even though your ways of connecting with kids are likely different from a few weeks ago, there’s still an amazing opportunity to make an impact during this unexpected season.

Here are three ideas to help share God’s love with your kids in the coming weeks.

1. Embrace Extra Time

Likely, kids have more free time than ever before. And families are certainly looking for help filling it. Now is a unique opportunity to equip your families with faith-building activities that grow faith while also helping to pass the time.

TIP: Look at past take-home pages, games, or object lessons from your curriculum and reuse/repurpose them into activities families can use at home.

2. Encourage Discussion

More than ever, it’s important for kids to interact, not just sit and listen. As you’re preparing lessons, devos, and faith-building activities, intentionally include opportunities for kids to share and process how they are feeling and how God is helping them.

TIP: Emphasize experiential learning and focus on parts of lessons that use everyday objects kids will have around their house.

3. Stay Flexible

YouTube channels, Facebook Live, and Zoom…oh my! With so many new communication channels to try, there are bound to be challenges that arise. Roll with it and mentally prepare for the extra “surprises” that come about. Take them in stride, stay strong, and carry on!

TIP: Learn from your peers. Don’t hesitate to drop in on your favorite social community (like the Group Sunday School Facebook Page) for a continuous stream of ideas and resources!

During this unique season of ministry, Group Sunday School is committed to providing you flexible, Jesus-centered curriculum resources that equip you for today and tomorrow. And each of our curriculum lines features digital components, making it simple to provide lessons in person or at home.

To help, we’ve also created Empowering Courageous Kids, a FREE resource providing weekly interactive video lessons that guide kids and their families through meaningful experiences and discussions focused on Jesus’ miracles, demonstrating how his power pulls us through times just like this.

We’re all in this together!

Christ follower, husband, father and marketer at Group Publishing working with Lifetree Cafe and Refresh The Church.

1 Comment

  1. david kimani 5 years ago

    I really appreciate these very timely resources to help us effectively reach our children during these difficult times. God bless you.

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