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A Fresh Look at Recruiting Church Volunteers for the Nursery

A Fresh Look at Recruiting Church Volunteers for the Nursery
November 17, 2010 CVDaily Editors

Nursery “duty” is a significant ministry. We must make sure we are recruiting church volunteers who understand the importance of meeting the needs of babies and their families, while allowing volunteers to give their time and energy as gifts of service to the Lord, and blessing volunteers as they help each child grow in his or her church experiences.

So, how do you go about recruiting church volunteers for the nursery? Be positive—you’re not looking for “warm bodies”—you’re looking for the people God has chosen for this ministry.

Here are ideas to find those people:

  • Personally invite but don’t require parents (if they’re too tired, emotionally drained, or just unwilling, they won’t minister in positive ways).
  • Personally invite grandparents and other adult relatives of babies and toddlers.
  • Give families new to your church several months to make connections before you suggest they consider ministering in the nursery.
  • Give new parents a three-month “maternity leave” before you recruit them.
  • Get personal recommendations from trusted church leaders and parents. Then ask their permission to mention the recommendation when recruiting.
  • Take a baby in your arms to visit grandparent-age classes.
  • Have a baby parade with all the babies and toddlers in a morning service.
  • In a worship service, use slides and a short, scripted presentation to tell about the blessings given and received in the nursery.
  • Arrange for a trusted parent of children in your nursery to tell your congregation how your nursery has blessed their family.
  • Follow a baby dedication with a challenge to the church body to show their commitment to these children while they’re still in the nursery. Have “interest” cards available in the worship folders or pew racks for convenient responses.
  • Provide a bulletin board, poster, or other visual display about your needs and any filled positions in the entry to your worship center or adult Christian education building. Make your display for recruiting church volunteers accurate, positive, and attractive.
  • Present information about the nursery in each new member class.
  • Keep copies of an updated list of staffing needs on the counter of your nursery as prayer reminders for parents and current nursery volunteerss



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