Teams are a powerful way to bring ministry to life! Let’s build a team like we would bake a cake—from scratch. Consider these key ingredients…
3 c. flour – Pray without ceasing (the largest ingredient in the cake and its foundation!). Ask God for His vision for the ministry…and dream big. He does!
2 c. sugar – Cast the vision for the ministry team. Include a purpose statement and the scriptural foundation.
1 c. butter or shortening – Formulate the team’s leadership needs and volunteer structure. Answer the question, “What roles are needed in this ministry?”
1 c. milk – Extend a personal invitation. Determine your “ask” options, remembering that the personal conversation born of relationship will be most effective.
4 eggs – Establish systems and processes so that the ministry is organized and the volunteer team supported.
3 tsp. baking powder – Develop training and team building opportunities, two vital ingredients that enable teams to “rise” to ministry challenges and triumph!
1 tsp. vanilla or favorite flavoring – Remember that encouragement is the ingredient that grows teams – praise, affirmation, recognition, reflection, and coaching, to name a few.
You don’t need to be a gourmet chef to make this cake….. but if you bake at 350 degrees for 1 hour, in a well-greased layer pan, you’ll like the results! Enjoy this treat…with your team!