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Free Devotion For Your Team

Free Devotion For Your Team
September 30, 2014 Bob D'Ambrosio

Use this devotion to help your team understand how their gifts blend together to form a unique mix. It’s tasty, too!

Team Trail Devotion

Grab a bag of trail mix or snack mix. As you enjoy eating this treat, reflect on these questions:

• Which item in the mix would you say you’re most like? A nut? A wrinkly (but sweet) raisin? A twisty pretzel? Why did you choose that item to represent yourself?

• What items in the mix might represent this team?

• How does the mixture of items complement each other as a flavorful snack? How is this like or unlike the mixture of our team?

• How does our team become “better tasting” when we work together?

Read 1 Corinthians 12:18-20

“But in fact God has arranged the parts in the body, every one of them, just as he wanted them to be. If they were all one part, where would the body be? As it is, there are many parts, but one body.”

God has arranged the body of Christ to mix all the gifts together for one purpose. We need each other to create a strong, functioning team.

Take time this week to thank God for this team—and for placing you with salty, nutty, and sweet friends for what they add to your life as well.




  1. Coreen Van Devender 9 years ago

    I like the Trail Team Devotion.
    I am a member of the
    Federation of Women’s Clubs. We are a local, state, national, & international volunteer organization whose goal is enrichment of personal lives & community through volunteering. We help in our churches, schools, hospitals, libraries, only to mention a few. We meet once a month to plan projects to aid those in need. We start each meeting with a short devotion and pledge to the American flag. Tomorrow night is our final meeting for this fiscal year. I am looking for a devotion that speaks to each of us as Christian women about the need for our volunteerism and comradeship as we work together as one on all of our projects to benefit others.

    • Author
      Bob D'Ambrosio 9 years ago

      I’m glad you find this devotion helpful. Group has lots of great devotion books that you may find beneficial with this group. My favorite is “You Don’t Have to be A Super Hero To Change The World”. It sounds like your group of women are changing the world for Jesus! Thanks for all you do.

  2. Coreen Van Devender 9 years ago

    And, by the way, all of the women in our volunteer group are church members & volunteer in our churches.
    Coreen Van Devender

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