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7 Ways Your VBS Is Better With Group!

7 Ways Your VBS Is Better With Group!
March 24, 2017 Meghan Brown

Find out why thousands of churches trust Group VBS to help create energetic, life-changing programs every summer!

Get Group, Get R.E.A.L.

With Group VBS, kids don’t just hear about God’s love for them; they hear it, see it, feel it, taste it, and even smell it. We intentionally design Bible-learning experiences that impact kids in a variety of ways. It’s part of our R.E.A.L. learning philosophy (relational, experiential, applicable, and learner-based). It’s the foundation of every Group resource, and it really makes the Bible stick with kids. Save


Built to Be Easy, Really Easy

You know it can be hard to get volunteers for VBS, so we design our programs to be easy on your staff. Almost every volunteer role in our programs can be prepped on-site in under a half hour—and your volunteers will still look like rock stars! It’s a proven system that keeps your help coming back year after year. Save


Tried, Tested, and Sometimes Trashed

It’s not Group VBS until it’s been put to the test. We thoroughly prove every aspect of our VBS programs by testing them in real-world conditions with real kids. Every Group VBS has been tweaked, tuned, and sometimes completely reworked as a result of this testing process.


Music to Your Ears

Group’s programs integrate top-quality music into the VBS experience. Year after year, our music is rated as one of the favorite elements of our programs, and the parents love it as much as the kids do. It’s energy-filled, magnetic worship that draws kids and their families closer to God.


Experienced Support That’s Friendly Too

Whether you have a last-minute problem you need to get resolved or just want a little friendly advice on the best way to do something—we’ve got your back. Our support team knows VBS and they love helping directors have the best VBS possible. Get friendly live support by phone or chat, and get offline support through email or our support website.

VBS Fun Shops

Who else hosts more than 150 events nationwide to train and equip leaders for that summer’s VBS programs? Our VBS Fun Shops give you the opportunity to experience VBS firsthand. You’ll get decorating tips, a program walk-through, and lots more. Plus, you’ll make lasting connections with other VBS leaders in your area.


Designed with input and testing from real churches, the VBS PRO system makes registering kids for your VBS a snap and also has awesome tools to help manage your event. The all-new online system is easier than ever to use. You can have your registration website up and running in minutes and it’s mobile-friendly for busy parents. Did we mention it’s FREE?



Still need to choose a VBS? Here’s 4 programs you’ll love!

No matter which Group VBS program you choose, you’ll get a fun, engaging, hands-on Bible learning experiences that’s easy to do and adapatable to your church’s size and budget. It’s a win-win!


Order Today!



VBS enthusiast Meghan Brown is passionate about all things VBS and sharing God’s love with kids. A native Texan and graduate of Duke University, she loves sports, books you can hold in your hand and spending countless hours pinning things on Pinterest that she’ll never actually do.


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