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Putting the “fun” in fundraising for VBS!

Putting the “fun” in fundraising for VBS!
May 24, 2019 Meghan Brown

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]VBS week is filled with many things. Laughter, faith-building experiences, friendship, and heart-moving moments. It’s also filled with some expense. Whether you’re a DIYer or you prefer to buy pre-packaged resources, putting on a VBS event can put a dent in the church budget. Here are some fundraising ideas that can stretch your budget and help you create the VBS week of your dreams![/vc_column_text][vc_video link=”″][vc_column_text]Quick & Easy : You don’t have to put too much effort into these ideas!

  • Safari Snacks
    • Who doesn’t love coffee and a snack before church? Make it easy and set up a themed grab & go breakfast table in your church lobby before and after Sunday services. Here’s how:
      • Create a fun table with decorations that tie to your theme. (Download the Safari Snacks Table Sign)
      • Get breakfast foods that are inexpensive and price them for a profit.
      • Create cute names for the items you’re selling and write them on these downloadable cards. Here are some fun ideas for Roar:
        • Donuts: Rhino Rings or Savanna’s Sprinkles
        • Muffins: Mack’s Muffins
        • Coffee (we would recommend an African blend): Fully-charged Coffee
        • Granola & Yogurt: Grrrowlin’ Granola or Zion’s Paw-fait
        • Pancake or Waffle Station: Pancakes on the Prowl
          • You could make this an interactive station where kids (and adults) can decorate their own pancakes with spots or stripes!
  • VBS dedicated offering
    • Ask your lead pastor if you can dedicate the collection to VBS. This is also a great opportunity to generate excitement for people who want to volunteer or attend VBS!

[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Medium Effort : These ideas might take a little more planning, but they’re well worth it!

  • Donation Boards
    • Set up a donation board or area and use these downloadable tags to list the items that you need to make VBS a success. You’ll be amazed at what people have tucked away! You can break the items out by:
      • Items you need (check out the Master Supply List)
      • Sponsor a child
        • break out the cost per kid at VBS and ask people to donate that amount.
      • Sponsor a crew
        • break out the cost per crew at VBS and ask people to donate that amount.
    • We’ve been amazed by the fundraising boards we’ve seen on the Roar VBS facebook page. Check them out below!
  • Reach out to local businesses
    • Local fast food restaurants might have fundraising night options.
    • Local hardware stores might offer discounted rates on supplies.

[/vc_column_text][vc_gallery interval=”3″ images=”33181,33182,33183,33184″ img_size=”full”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Maximum Effort : Okay, so these might involve planning another event on top of VBS, but you can also count them as publicizing for your VBS, so it’s a win-win!

  • Parent’s Night Out
    • Offer a kid’s night at your church and charge a set fee or request a donation
    • Provide themed activities
      • Show the Lion King
      • Have a dance party with the Sing & Play Music DVD
    • Create themed snacks
      • Savanna’s Spots (Caramel Corn)
      • Animal Crackers
      • Zebra Cakes
  • Host an auction or fundraiser event
    • One small community hosts an annual dinner to raise money for their VBS. They theme it to match the VBS program and invite the whole community. People from the church and local businesses donate items for the silent auction and all proceeds go towards the VBS program.

We’re not done yet, here’s a few more ideas for you:

  • Bible Buddy Bingo – use theme related words or Bible Buddy art from your Clip Art & Resources CD
  • Run Wild 5k/ Fun Run
  • On the Spot Car Wash

Do you have a great fundraising idea? Share it with us below or inspire other VBS leaders on the Roar VBS Facebook Page![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][/vc_column][/vc_row]

VBS enthusiast Meghan Brown is passionate about all things VBS and sharing God’s love with kids. A native Texan and graduate of Duke University, she loves sports, books you can hold in your hand and spending countless hours pinning things on Pinterest that she’ll never actually do.


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