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Easy Ideas To Strengthen Your Team

Easy Ideas To Strengthen Your Team
June 20, 2013 CVDaily Editors

Summer is a great time of the year to add some zest to your team. Try one of these ideas to build in some fun while you build team spirit.

1. Throw a spontaneous ice cream sundae party on a hot summer afternoon. Ask team members to build an ice cream creation that best describes their ministry role.

2. Bring in fresh doughnuts or cinnamon rolls on the morning of your first workday of the week and invite everyone for a 15-minute coffee break.

3. If there’s a bike path or hiking trail near your church, take a 30 minute walk together as a team. (Be sure to give at least a day’s notice so everyone can bring appropriate clothes and shoes.)

4. “Kidnap” your team and go somewhere fun for an hour such as an arcade or a go-cart track.

5. Have a picnic potluck lunch on the church lawn or take your picnic to a nearby park. Ask each team member to bring a dish to share which has a special memory associated with it.  Share those memories during the meal.

6. Give out small candy awards once a week for goofy stuff—coolest Hawaiian shirt, best snack stash, or just for making it through a rough week. Don’t announce anything ahead of time, just congratulate the team member for winning the week’s award.

7. Change the location of your weekly or monthly meeting from a boardroom to a local coffee shop or the home of one of your team members for a more relaxed atmosphere. The change of scenery can also spark creativity.


What ideas have you found helpful to strengthen your ministry teams?  


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