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Overcoming 4 Misconceptions About Equipping Ministry

Overcoming 4 Misconceptions About Equipping Ministry
December 16, 2014 Chris Hardy

Have your staff or lay leaders ever voiced concerns about the equipping ministry culture you’re trying to develop at the church? If so, welcome to the ranks; if not, give it time! Here are honest answers to the top four questions commonly asked about equipping ministry.

1. Will “equipping” add to my workload?  Yes, it will. It takes time to equip people, but in the end, you’ll have healthy, effective ministers who will provide qualified, meaningful support for those in leadership and expand your church’s base of ministry servants. Equipping is hard work, but the results are long-lasting and far-reaching.

2. Will equipping others put my job in jeopardy?  Get real! Our churches need the gifts of all people, so that together we form one healthy body, including pastors, staff, and lay people. While it should be our joy as equipping leaders to replace ourselves with fitted and equipped people, as soon as we do so, we ding tat God opens up even greater opportunities of ministry and influence, So, equip, empower, and release away!

3. Are lay people qualified to ministry?  Absolutely! People in our churches are qualified to do incredible things.  These individuals have the time, energy, experience, and abilities to accomplish tasks that leaders normally would have no time to do. As you affirm people to serve according to their unique skills, this service becomes an act of love and an opportunity to grow in faith. People become completely qualified to be ministers and change agents in the church, the community, and the world.

4. Will I lose control of my ministry when lay people become involved? Yes! But the truth is, we’re not in control of ministry in the first place….God is! Equipping ensure that training and orientation processes are in place so people are prepared to serve. In turn, leaders can confidently release ministry tasks to these individuals.


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