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Six Core Values for Building a Team Culture

Six Core Values for Building a Team Culture
March 2, 2017 Bob D'Ambrosio

Many churches desire a team approach to ministry, but few do something about it. It’s often easier said than done. Moving to a model of ministry that releases every person into meaningful service needs to be done carefully, prayerfully, and with the following core values in mind:

1. Prayer. The team-based church recognizes the inherent value of prayer to discern God’s vision, leadership, and plan toward an equipping ministry model. Adopting a team culture of ministry requires prayer. It needs prayer support from the pastors, volunteer leaders, and each person involved in service. Consider ways to create a stronger prayer culture within each ministry department.

2. Every member matters. This statement is the foundation for the team approach to ministry. It means you value every member in the body of Christ as gifted and called into ministry. Communicate this message loud and strong, and do it often.

3. Servant leadership. Do the leaders at your church demonstrate humility, authenticity, accountability, and genuine care for people? Don’t be afraid to get real with the people you lead. They need to see your willingness to get your hands dirty and shoulder the load with them. Determine how you can connect with your ministry team in more meaningful ways.

4. Team ministry. Healthy community is built around the willingness of people to work for the good of the greater body. Isolation can breed strife, competition, and even apathy. Build ministry teams that foster healthy interdependence.

5. Intentionality. Team ministry doesn’t just happen. It requires having a plan and processes in place. Consider ways your church can intentionally develop people and foster their gifts.

6. Proactive toward change. Simply stated, this means the church recognizes the organic nature of change and responds creatively and proactively. In other words, it’s the realization that a God change is a good change. Explore ways you can encourage your people to see change as an opportunity for growth.

Bob D’Ambrosio is a 25-year veteran of frontline church ministry and now serves with Group’s content solutions team. He’s a trainer for volunteer equipping, a Refresh the Church blogger, and a ministry coach for Group U. Bob is a contributing author and general editor of the E4:12 Bible Study Series Better Together: Connecting to God and Others and Leading Out: Connecting People to Purpose.


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