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Children's Ministry Blog

  • VBS Decorating Ideas Galore!

    By in VBS on

    Decorating is a huge part of VBS. Kids (and adults) are often amazed by the transformation in their church during VBS week, but we know it can be a bit overwhelming for the VBS Director. That’s why we put together…

  • The 6 Cores Values of an Equipping Church

    By in Volunteers on

    If you’re trying to involve more people in ministry, consider if your core values reflect an equipping culture. Churches that have a higher percentage of people involved in serving, demonstrate these values: Prayer The equipping church recognizes the inherent value of prayer to discern God’s vision,…

  • 3 Things to Ask Before Calling a Meeting

    By in Lead, Volunteers on

    Does your team groan when you mention having another meeting? Do you find that some say they will come but don’t, and others just blow it off completely? If this sounds familiar, here are three questions you need to ask…

  • Ask Yourself These 3 Questions Before Easter

    By in Lead, Volunteers on

    What word do you most associate with Easter? Joy? Forgiveness? Life? How about peace? Again, Jesus said, “Peace be with you”.       -John 20:21 It’s interesting to note that on the first Easter evening, Jesus appears to his disciples…

  • 7 Steps for Leadership Development

    By in Training, Volunteers on

    “Who can we get to lead the evangelism committee this year? How about Sheila? She’s so friendly.” “We just can’t get enough leaders. Seems like we’ve asked everyone in the church.” “Do you think we can get David to oversee…