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Children's Ministry Blog

  • Creating Your Personal Growth Plan for 2016

    By in Lead on

    Before the holiday rush, create a personal growth plan for 2016. For your own health, and for your effectiveness in ministry, here are some questions to consider as you map out a plan for the next 12 months. When will…

  • 5 Tips for Creating Change in the Church

    By in Lead on

    “How many church members does it take to change a light bulb?” Ever hear of this joke? The answer is that church members don’t change! (And besides, my grandmother donated that light bulb!) The unique culture of the church seems…

  • 4 Ways To Create a Culture That Promotes Volunteer Service

    By in Retain, Volunteers on

    How do you keep your volunteers motivated?  Although it’s an important question, in reality there is nothing you can do to motivate a volunteer. All volunteers are motivated, but they do things for their reasons not yours. Since motivation is…

  • How To Deal With Difficult People

    By in Lead on

    I know you don’t have difficult volunteers at your church…right? The reality is, we’ve all experienced people with personalities that, well, let’s just say—aren’t too pleasant. Sometimes it’s tempting to think how wonderful ministry would be if we didn’t have…

  • On The Fly Devotion: God’s Superheroes

    By in Lead on

    Here’s a quick devotion you can use at your next team meeting, with your staff, or at the family dinner table… LAUNCH:  What’s your favorite superhero, and why? ASK:  What’s your superhero’s special power, and what is their mission? READ:…