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On The Fly Devotion: God’s Superheroes

On The Fly Devotion: God’s Superheroes
October 13, 2015 CVDaily Editors

Here’s a quick devotion you can use at your next team meeting, with your staff, or at the family dinner table…

LAUNCH:  What’s your favorite superhero, and why?

ASK:  What’s your superhero’s special power, and what is their mission?

READ:  John 3: 16; 1 John 2:6-8

SAY:  The greatest power in the world is love. God is Love. And God loves us so much he even sent Jesus to die for us so we could have eternal life. Nothing can separate us from God’s love.  The Bible tells us very clearly that our most important mission is to love God and love others.

CHALLENGE:  What is one thing we can do this week to be superheroes on a mission of God’s love?

PRAY:  God, thank you for being our true superhero, and for letting us be superheroes of love to others!


[Devotion shared from Lifetree Family. ]



  1. Katrina B 9 years ago

    Honestly, this is too cheesy for words. Not up to your normal quality level. I would never use this for a team of adults. Usually enjoy & find useful tips here.

    • Bob D'Ambrosio 9 years ago

      Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Actually, we did this devotion at the KidMin Conference last September and it was a big hit. The adults loved the affirmation and said they’d be doing this back at their churches.

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