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Children's Ministry Blog

  • 5 Tips for Handling Tough Conversations

    By in Lead on

    The unpleasant reality of church ministry is that sooner or later there will be conflict with a team or individual. People are messy and we often need to have tough conversations to coach and correct for better ministry outcomes. While…

  • Graphic Design Hacks for Ministry

    Graphic Design Hacks for Ministry

    By in Training on

    Recently, Brandon Early, youth pastor at Valley Church in West Des Moines Iowa, gave a 15-minute Micro-Workshop on the Periscope app where he shared his graphic design secrets with us. Here’s how it went… ——— I am awful at graphic…

  • 3 Tips for Millennial Meetings

    By in Lead on

    Every generation creates a new set of prime values to uphold and live out. The millennial generation (born 1980-2000) is now coming to adulthood and leadership. Here are three brief observations about working and meeting with millennials: 1. Don’t waste…

  • New Buddy Quest app

    The VBS Buddies Are Coming Back in a Brand-New Mobile Game

    By in Product Announcements on

    Remember Jacques the croc? How about a test tube named Fizz? Boomer the panda? Ace the flying fish? Salty the pelican? Truman the bulldog? If you’ve experienced Group’s VBS over the years, you know all about the unforgettable Bible Buddies.…

  • National Day of Prayer

    By in Lead on

    “Hear the cry and the prayer that your servant is praying in your presence this day.”    -1 Kings 8:28 Today is the National Day of Prayer. This year’s theme is, Lord, Hear Our Cry. The National Day of Prayer was…