Use This Proven Way to Get to Know Kids Better
By Jody Brolsma in VBS onRecently a Denver teacher wanted to get to know her students better, so she asked kids to complete the sentence, “I wish my teacher knew…” Teacher Kyle Schwartz was touched at what she read—so touched that she began posting the…
405 Things Veteran VBS Directors Do Insanely Well
By Meghan Brown in VBS onWhether you have 15 kids or 150 kids, leading VBS can be an overwhelming challenge. So we’ve asked veteran VBS directors around the country to share some tips on how to have an amazing VBS experience as a director. Here…
VBS Registration: 3 Easy Tips for Avoiding the Crazy Traffic Jam
By Sharon Stratmoen in VBS onWe know VBS is a great opportunity to invite new families to your church. For many parents, the registration process may be the only time they interact with your church. That’s why a smooth and efficient registration system is so…
3 Reasons to Love Outback Rock VBS!
By Laycie Costigan in Product Announcements onIf you’ve been in children’s ministry even for a little while, you know that finding the right VBS program is a decision that requires lots of prayer and maybe more than one cup of coffee! You know that what kids…
10 Hacks That Make VBS Easier
By Jill Frahm in VBS onWhile many children’s pastors accept the droopy eyelids, constant yawning, and fingernail-biting that’s a daily reality while preparing for VBS, you could be making the process a lot easier on yourself. Whether you spend all day making take-homes or begging…