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Children's Ministry Blog

  • The Top 5 Reasons Volunteers Burnout

    By in Retain, Volunteers on

    “Help, I’m burning out!” You might be the one silently screaming those words—or perhaps the silent screamers are the volunteers on your ministry team. And when volunteers are burned out they’re quick to quit. It’s up to you to provide…

  • 5 Signs of a Healthy Church

    By in Lead on

    As we move forward in 2015, now may be a good time to ask yourself a few questions about the current health of your church. Better yet, ask all your key leaders to rate these areas that are evident in…

  • 4 Skills Every Team Needs

    By in Lead on

    No matter how great a player you are, a team can make you or break you. My favorite definition of a team is Together Everyone Achieves More! It’s plain that a team can accomplish more than an individual. Yet ministry…

  • Keys to Effective Team Meetings

    By in Lead on

    Team meetings are a simple but often overlooked part of sharing leadership. Many leaders that have team meetings fail to structure them in a way that empowers team members. Instead of being a positive and constructive experience, the team meeting…

  • Turning Service Into Discipleship

    By in Lead on

    In their report “Volunteering in the United States – 2013” the U.S. Department of Labor found that the main organization for which volunteers worked the most hours during the year was religious institutions (33% of all volunteers). So people are…