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Children's Ministry Blog

  • 10 Powerful Principles for Leading Volunteers

    By in Lead on

    We’ve summarized some powerful principles that have stood the test of time through our collaborative efforts in leading volunteers in the church and nonprofit setting. We share these principles knowing that the real value isn’t what we’re writing here. Rather,…

  • 10 Tips to Increase Attendance at Your Next Volunteer Training

    By in Train, Training on

    What’s the biggest challenge most church leaders face—How do I get my volunteers to attend training? Here are some crowd pleasing ideas to help increase participation at your next volunteer training session. 1. Feed the flock. You might not want…

  • 4 Keys to Leadership Improvement

    By in Lead on

    All church leaders want their ministries to grow. I believe God wants your ministry to grow, too. For our ministry to grow, though, we must be willing to expand our leadership abilities. Individual growth always comes before corporate growth. The #1 key…

  • Steps to Resolve Conflict on Ministry Teams

    By in Lead on

    It’s inevitable. If you have ministry teams in your church, the members are going to have arguments, disagreements, and conflicts. What does the Bible have to say about how to settle these kinds of disputes among Christians? Distribute this brief list to your…

  • Dealing With Team Fatigue

    By in Lead on

    Joan is one of those faithful servants that every church would want. She has a great attitude, is enthusiastic about the church’s mission and direction, and she is communicative and fun. Joan is also ready to quit. Joan is not…