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Children's Ministry Blog

  • 12 Rules To Success

    By in Lead on

    Leadership principles can be found everywhere! While attending a conference for non-profits, I came across the book, Spirit to Serve:  Our Stories,  in my hotel room.  Written by Bill Marriott Jr., it describes the foundations of their success. Bill states that…

  • Quick Volunteer Affirmations

    By in Retain, Volunteers on

    Want to affirm your volunteers, but can’t find the right words? Why not let God do the talking? Check out what Scripture has to say about God’s children. As children of God, we are… Favored—Psalms 5:12 Protected—Isaiah 25:4 Beautiful—Isaiah 61:10…

  • Are Your Volunteers Contagious About Serving?

    By in Recruit, Training, Volunteers on

    Forget about the flu. This season, give your volunteers a check-up to see who’s infecting others with the bug to get involved in ministry.  Here are 3 cases to sharpen your ability to diagnose your volunteers. Case #1 Symptom: Volunteer demonstrates…

  • Connecting People to Ministry: Serve Tour Live

    By in Recruit, Training, Volunteers on

    How do you help people see ministry in action?  For Compass Christian Church in Colleyville, Texas, it’s a program they started last year called, Serve Tour Live. Held one Sunday each month, Serve Tour Live allows people an opportunity to…

  • Resolutions for a Stronger New Year

    By in Lead on

    I don’t make New Year’s resolutions.  Never have. It’s too deflating, at the end of January, to know I’ve already missed the mark. But since I’m goal-oriented, I prefer setting objectives to help me start fresh each year. So, here’s…