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Are Your Volunteers Contagious About Serving?

Are Your Volunteers Contagious About Serving?
January 14, 2014 Bob D'Ambrosio

Forget about the flu. This season, give your volunteers a check-up to see who’s infecting others with the bug to get involved in ministry.  Here are 3 cases to sharpen your ability to diagnose your volunteers.

Case #1

Symptom: Volunteer demonstrates joy while serving.

Diagnosis: Joyful Spirit

Treatment: Ask them to tell you why they enjoy serving in their ministry role.  Retell their story to the people of your congregation to promote a culture of involvement.

Case #2

Symptom: Volunteer seems to serve out of obligation and duty.

Diagnosis: All-work-and-no-play syndrome

Treatment: It’s OK to have fun while serving. Give your volunteer permission to lighten up and not take the demands of ministry too seriously. Model the enjoyment that comes from serving on a ministry team. Introduce elements of fun while on the job, during meetings, and when working together. A team that has fun together, not only stays together, but creates a vibe that invites others to join in.

Case #3

Symptom: Volunteer serves in an area that does not match their gifting, passion, or interest.

Diagnosis: Square Peg in a Round Hole

Treatment: One reason volunteers do not spread the bug to serve is because they’re not serving in the right role. Being miss-matched makes volunteers feel out of sync. Offer a class to help people discover their uniqueness and match it to a place of service. Potential volunteers often don’t even realize the complete range of service opportunities available. Find the right ministry for the right person.

When you see a volunteer spreading their passion for serving, give them a high five (no hand washing required). When that’s not the case, follow these suggested treatments. Who knows—perhaps you’ll have a service epidemic on your hands!


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