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Children's Ministry Blog

  • Take These Steps When Redirecting a Volunteer

    By in Lead on

    It must be Murphy’s Law. The person most eager and willing to serve as a ministry leader may not be the best candidate for the job. Perhaps it was desperation to find a live body to fill a slot, or…

  • It Takes a Team….. to Make a Pizza!

    By in Lead on

    Share this messy but scrumptious experience with your ministry team! Prepare pizza dough ahead of time, or thaw frozen ready-made from the store. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Give each person a small foil pan or piece of heavy aluminum foil to…

  • 10 Tips for Effective Teams

    By in Lead on

      Building a strong ministry team takes intentional planning. Use these ten tips to create an effective team that is committed to their mission and purpose. 1. Help each other be right rather than wrong. 2. Look for ways to…

  • The 7 Keys to Keeping Volunteers

    By in Retain, Volunteers on

    It’s a simple mathematical fact:  If your current volunteers serve longer, as you add new recruits, you’ll increase the number of people serving. The key is keeping volunteers motivated to retain their ministry involvement. Try these 7 tips to increase…

  • Is It a Job or Ministry?

    By in Lead on

      Some people have a job in the church. Others involve themselves in ministry. What’s the difference? If you do it just because no one else will…it’s a job! If you do it to serve God…it’s a ministry! If you quit…