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Children's Ministry Blog

  • 7 Steps to Leadership Development

    By in Recruit, Training, Volunteers on

    “Who can we get to lead the evangelism committee this year? How about Sheila? She’s so friendly.” “We just can’t get enough leaders. Seems like we’ve asked everyone in the church.” “Do you think we can get David to oversee…

  • Easy Ideas To Strengthen Your Team

    By in Lead on

    Summer is a great time of the year to add some zest to your team. Try one of these ideas to build in some fun while you build team spirit. 1. Throw a spontaneous ice cream sundae party on a…

  • When to Celebrate Failure

    By in Lead on

    The other evening I took my family out to one of our favorite Italian restaurants. My wife received a gift card so we took advantage of a free night out. During the course of our meal one of the waiters…

  • Honoring the Dads That Serve

    June is the perfect opportunity to honor “Dad”. Not just our heavenly Father but our earthly fathers too. Honor the dads on your volunteer team by sending them a small encouragement on Father’s Day. Go to a local thrift store and pick…

  • 4 Things Every Volunteer Needs

    By in Lead on

    About once a month, Brian and I used to have the same conversation. As the leader of our children’s ministry, he would be having difficulties with a volunteer leader. Perhaps the volunteer was being stubborn, reflecting a bad attitude, or…