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Don’t Give Up: volunteer appreciation letters make a difference!

Don’t Give Up: volunteer appreciation letters make a difference!
May 14, 2010 Sue Brage

Training, Meetings. Communication.  Recognition.

Church volunteers need ALL these things, don’t they? Sometimes it’s hard to know who needs what and when!  As a leader of volunteers, one of our main responsibilities—even beyond these things—is to encourage those serving alongside us. The question is, how can we lift up these important members of our ministry team?

We may hold a volunteer recognition banquet, hand out certificates of volunteer appreciation, give gifts or cards…but one thing we may not think about is sending volunteer appreciation letters.

Maybe you are thinking…I’m not a writer! I wouldn’t know where to start. Or perhaps you wonder if it would really mean anything to a volunteer. I’m here to tell you: it will!

Imagine finding this in your mailbox or inbox…

Dear Church Volunteer,

When your actions are questioned, don’t give up.

When you are unfairly attacked, don’t give up.

When you make mistakes and can’t seem to get anything right, don’t give up.

When the schedule is unbearable, and you’re not sure you can take one more step, don’t give up.

When you feel as if you can’t do anything to please anyone, don’t give up.

When it seems as if the only person who likes you is your spouse, (and even they waver at times) don’t give up.

When you’ve just been betrayed by your best friend who you thought would never leave your side, don’t give up.

When there are so many demands on you that you don’t think you can stand under the weight, don’t give up.

When the air is thick and the clouds are dense and you can’t see far enough ahead of you to know if you are going in the right direction, don’t give up.

Just take your next step. Do the next thing. Don’t try to figure out next week or next year; just put one foot in front of the other and concentrate on your next step. God will give you the grace and the strength to get to the other side.*

Let us not become weary in doing good,
for at the proper time we will reap a harvest of we do not give up.

Galatians 6:9


Your Grateful Ministry Leader

Would this letter make a difference in your day? In your week? Maybe your year! Take time today to send some encouragement out to someone who needs it.

*Adapted from Simply Strategic Volunteers, Tony Morgan and Tim Stevens


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