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How Well Do You Know Your Volunteers? Five Questions to Get You Started

How Well Do You Know Your Volunteers? Five Questions to Get You Started
March 24, 2011 Sue Brage

I think, we’d all agree that personal connection with our volunteers is a must! The better we know them, the better equipped we are to lead them. It’s up to us to initiate conversation with our teams and take time to listen.

Here are a few simple questions to get the conversation started…

  1. What do you enjoy most about serving?
  2. What ideas do you have that might improve your ministry area?
  3. What makes you feel appreciated and valued?
  4. How can I support you better?
  5. Are there other roles/ministry you might want to try in the future? What is holding you back?

Don’t ask these questions with an agenda or answers already in mind. The goal is to encourage your volunteer that you want to hear their thoughts and welcome their ideas.

*As a leader, which of these questions would be most difficult to ask? Why? Which would be most difficult to answer?



  1. Bonnie 14 years ago

    I always take away something from your articles. I am volunteer coordinator for a botanical gardens, but same principles apply. The hardest question for me to ask is if the volunteer has own ideas about changes or improvement. I think it’s important to do that but often you get far out things that are impossible or contrary to our mission. It is difficult to gracliously deal with that.

  2. Delaney 14 years ago

    Love the questions! Totally agree, but the hardest one is the last one about what other ministries they are interested in. It is important and i want to do it but then my lack of trust that God will replace them as they leave comes into play. Lord i believe, please help my unbelief. What an amazing blessing to help people serve where they are best gifted!

  3. sueb 14 years ago

    @Bonnie that’s a great point. You need to be prepared to respond to those ideas that are out there. Yet, we need to welcome the creativity and thought that people apply to their positions. Any tips on how to graciously respond?

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