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The 7 Keys to Keeping Volunteers

The 7 Keys to Keeping Volunteers
August 15, 2013 CVDaily Editors

It’s a simple mathematical fact:  If your current volunteers serve longer, as you add new recruits, you’ll increase the number of people serving. The key is keeping volunteers motivated to retain their ministry involvement. Try these 7 tips to increase volunteer retention.

Key  #1—  Place volunteers in positions that mirror their gifts. When you place volunteers in positions where their serving matches their gifts and interest, the work is not viewed as a job but a calling.

Key #2  Focus ministry functions. Don’t ask one person to do everything! Recruit people who love to do a specific task and ask them to focus on one role. You’ll create more positions so you’ll need more people, but you’ll keep the one’s you’ve got….if they’re only doing what they love.

Key #3—  Put a time limit on the commitment. Gone are the days when you could recruit, place, and then forget about volunteers. That does not value people’s time. Place volunteers in short-term commitments. At the end of their service— thank them! Ask them to pray about where God would have them serve next.

Key #4  —Appreciate volunteers. Volunteers often quit because they don’t feel appreciated. They’ll serve longer if they feel their service matters.

Key #5—  Train each volunteer. Training volunteers means investing time in their personal development. Customize your training to meet the unique demands of both the position and the volunteer’s personal growth.

Key #6—  Provide feedback.  You can’t train unless you know the growth areas of your team members. Often we’re afraid to give volunteers feedback because it could lead to hurt feelings, frustration, or even resignation. But having high standards will result in a team that’s motivated and committed to excellence.

Key #7—  Build teams. Jesus sent his team members two-by-two (Luke 10) because he knew that in the middle of tough times we all need someone standing beside us. Serving on a team prevents individual burnout and creates synergy for more effective ministry.



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