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5 Simple Reasons I Can Have Worry-Free Sunday Mornings

5 Simple Reasons I Can Have Worry-Free Sunday Mornings
April 14, 2016 Tara Mudrak

We’ve all been there.  It’s Saturday night. You are about to settle in for some well-earned quiet time before the excitement of another Sunday morning begins… and you get the call.  One of your teachers isn’t going to make it to church.  What do you do?

Sure, you were prepared for your class of third graders.  You were settled in for the night, confident, relaxed, and excited to see how God was going to move.  But now you are in a bind.  Your focus has shifted away from glorifying God in your classroom back to the logistics of running your entire children’s ministry.  You will need to combine classes.  Your third grade class will be twice the size and now include all of your Kindergartners.

But you don’t panic.  You are a kid min superhero.  Going with the flow is part of your job description.  You’ve got this.

If you’ve got DIG IN, the new Sunday school curriculum from Group, it’s times like this when you can truly appreciate all the things that make DIG IN rock.

  1. DIG IN is All Digital – You can access everything you need immediately, from home! You don’t have to drive across town to pick up a lesson plan or search the web for brand new ideas.  With DIG IN you have access to all lessons for all classrooms online.
  2. DIG IN is Fully Customizable – You can switch from an age graded format to a one-room format where kids of multiple ages meet together. Your content will automatically update to suit the developmental needs of the children and you can swap out activities as you see fit. After all, no one knows your kids like you do.
  3. DIG IN has Quick and Easy Prep – If you do need to change a few activities, you don’t need to run out to the store. Group makes prep easy with most supplies being items you can find around the house or in your church’s supply closet.
  4. Every DIG IN Lesson is R.E.A.L. – Kids of all ages love to learn by doing. With activities that are Relational, Experiential, Applicable, and Learner-based, your students will dig into the Bible in fun and memorable ways. No matter which activities you choose, children will make discoveries that move them from “information” to “transformation”.
  5. DIG IN is Deep – No matter what you change, one thing stays the same. Every activity will draw kids deeper into the Bible and closer to Jesus. And really, isn’t that what it’s all about?

Shepherding kids, leading them to Jesus, and helping them grow in their faith is a privilege. It is a blessing.  It is what we are called to do.  It’s also a big responsibility and, if we are completely honest, it can be hard work.  But lesson planning doesn’t have to be.  A bump in the road on Saturday night, doesn’t have to lead to a wreck on Sunday morning.  Last minute crises come up, sickness happens, plans change.  But it’s nothing you can’t handle.  Just breathe, pray, and DIG IN.

Tara is a mom to two beautiful little girls, a wife to an amazing man of God, and a KidMin team member at Christian Hill Community Church in RI. Whether teaching at home or in the classroom, leading children's worship, or planning VBS, she is passionate about bringing kids closer to Jesus. Her favorite way to unwind is singing with her hubby!


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