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DIG IN Sunday School Has the Best of VBS!

DIG IN Sunday School Has the Best of VBS!
July 21, 2017 Jess Goldsmith
DIG IN Sunday School

What if the same excitement our kids and ministry leaders experience during Vacation Bible School could last beyond just a week? Group’s DIG IN Sunday school curriculum features three main characteristics you love about VBS:

  1. DIG IN has a new theme every year. Just like VBS, DIG IN releases fresh and intriguing lesson content that helps your kids get to know God, not just learn about God. For example, if you want to focus on Jesus, check out Digging Into the Life of Jesus—you’ll help kids get to know Jesus personally as they walk kids through his life from birth to ascension. If you want to journey through the entire Bible, choose Digging Into the Bible in One Year—you’ll help kids experience a relationship with God through the eyes of ordinary Bible people from Genesis to Revelation. If you want to bring a fresh approach to growing a lifelong relationship with God, choose Digging Into Discipleship—you’ll help kids discover what it means to reflect the heart of God in everyday life.
  2. DIG IN lets you rotate through a variety of activities. Just like VBS, DIG IN offers short, engaging, and life-changing experiences for kids. With age-appropriate activities from 5 minutes to 20 minutes, you’ll retain kids’ attention and focus. DIG IN’s activity blocks use the five senses. But as you’ve learned from Group’s VBS, meaningful activities come full circle when they include questions and discussion to help kids make a connection between the Bible point and their everyday lives.
  3. DIG IN focuses on strengths. Just like VBS, DIG IN focuses on the kids’ and leaders’ natural gifts and areas of interest. You can choose activities you know will resonate with kids, and leaders can teach in the areas they feel most comfortable.

And the best part? Even though DIG IN can be similar to VBS, it doesn’t require all the extra hands or preparation that VBS does. Most of DIG IN’s activities are supply-light and very easy to prep.

Keep up your momentum from VBS! Learn more about DIG IN and try the free online demo today!

Jess Goldsmith is an editor in Group’s children’s ministry department and a key leader in the preschool program at Flatirons Community Church in Lafayette, Colorado.


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