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Five Things You Can Say to Kids to Keep Christ in Christmas

Five Things You Can Say to Kids to Keep Christ in Christmas
December 3, 2018 Kate Warnock

Children make Christmas wondrous. Their simple, pure, wide-eyed amazement is what Jesus seeks from us every day! Christmas reminds us what it’s like to have child-like faith, and children at Christmastime remind us how to live with abundant joy.

Whether you work with children in your church, or have children of your own, here are five things you can say to kids to continue bringing Jesus back to the center of it all.

  1. When talking about the celebration of Christmas, remind them:

Jesus was born for you!

  1. When asking kids what they got for Christmas, remind them:

Jesus is the best gift ever!

  1. When talking about the Christmas story, remind them:

Jesus was born for a reason, and there is a purpose for your life, too.

  1. When talking about the three wise men traveling to meet Jesus, remind them:

Jesus wants to know you, too.

  1. When talking about all of the people who surrounded the baby Jesus … the shepherds, the kings, the angels… remind them:

Jesus was born to be your friend!

It’s all too easy for adults to forget these things, and to overlook the reason we are bustling around like little mother hens. We are preparing for the birth of Jesus! Jesus was born for you. He is the best gift you could ever imagine. He was born for a reason, and there is a purpose for your life. He wants to know you. He was born to be your friend!

Share these simple truths with the little ones in your life this Christmas.


Kate fell in love with ministry as a camp counselor at Wapo and a Director of Youth Ministries in Edina, MN. As a marketing manager at Group, she enjoys learning how children's ministers thrive. Kate loves being behind a camera, snuggling with her family in Fort Collins, and asking a lot of questions beginning with "What If…?"


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