When It’s Time for a Volunteer to Retire
Volunteers oninI met Wally at a Colorado Eagles hockey game. He was the usher in my section, and I discovered he…
Why These Volunteer Essentials are…Essential!
Lead, Volunteers oninGreat volunteer teams consist of passionate people who have a focused vision, believe in their mission, and empower each other…
How to Determine Whether You Manage or Empower Your Volunteers
Lead, Volunteers oninDo you empower volunteers to serve in ministry? Or do you manage them? For many professionally trained leaders, the ministry…
4 Truths for Everyone Who Leads Volunteers
Volunteers oninMaybe you haven’t yet decided whether your volunteers are the greatest…or the most splintery, rough-hewn part of your ministry. Reality…
4 Truths for Everyone Who Leads Volunteers
inMaybe you haven’t yet decided whether your volunteers are the greatest…or the most splintery, rough-hewn part of your ministry. Reality…
3 Things Not to Tell Your Volunteers
inAfter 25 years of marriage….I’ve learned what my wife wants to hear me say—and not say. When she gets her hair…
4 Things To Do This Summer…To Increase Volunteers This Fall
inThe summer break from regular church programs is the perfect time to reflect on what you can do now to…
Are You A Volunteer Magnet?
Lead oninAlice couldn’t understand why she was having so much difficulty getting volunteers to serve as Greeters. She had managed the…
Renewing Your Leadership Energy
Lead oninMy son transferred to a new college this fall and is starting a new chapter in his life. He’s experiencing…