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4 Ways to Make Passion Their Reason for Serving

4 Ways to Make Passion Their Reason for Serving
June 24, 2014 Jeremy Amick

People today are not moved by a commitment to an organization as many were fifty years ago.  My generation has seen too many institutions fail.  Instead, we’re motivated by compassion for a cause. People have to see that their volunteer work will make a tangible and substantial difference in the world.

Recently, I spoke with a number of leaders from growing, dynamic church ministries. There is a word that continues to be used in these conversations: passion. Churches that are involving large percentages of members in ministry seem to have an ability to tap into, or even ignite, a deep passion for a particular ministry.

Passion is the product of the Holy Spirit’s work in a person’s life. When a person is using his or her spiritual gifts to edify the Body of Christ and bring glory to God, there is a joy that only God can supply. When people fail to possess any passion for serving, church leaders need to take notice in order to turn things around.

How can we foster passion-led service?

1. Throw away the commitment cards. Help members understand their “perfect fit” through opportunities to discover and try new things. Guide these conversations with personal coaching and reflection.

2. Get personal. Spend enough time with the members of your congregation to know who has what strengths and how God is working in their lives. No more “cold calls” for ministry placement.

3. Talk about passion. Help people see how God ignited your passion and model this enthusiasm to others.

4. Help people see the positive life-changing results of their ministry. Passion for ministry is fueled by Christ-honoring results. Let people tell their stories and God-sightings.

When people see a connection between their serving and their passion— step back and let the action begin!



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