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6 Solutions for Finding Summer Volunteers

6 Solutions for Finding Summer Volunteers
May 30, 2013 CVDaily Editors

Looking for staffing solutions for the summer?  Here are some ideas to consider…

1.  Summer Interns  –  Local colleges and universities house competent summer interns so connect with faculty members or student services to publicize your summer needs. Offer a variety of times and tasks to potential interns. Interns often prove to be some of your most dedicated volunteers because they’re on a mission—to learn.

2. Home for the Summer  –  When summer break hits, college students are home. Inquire with parents, provide a list of positions and descriptions, and invite these young adults to join your summer team. Point out the benefits of serving. And don’t forget to scout for high school students on summer break––you’ll likely find a few who are willing to pitch in for special events.

3. Summers Off  –  Teachers, professors, and other professionals who have summers off make great temporary summer volunteers! Teachers may want to serve an age group they don’t teach during the year. Ask students for referrals – you may find an excellent teacher just looking for an opportunity like one you’re offering.

4. Summer Birds  –  Tap into a wealth of wonderful summer help by seeking out retirees who spend their summers in your area. Emphasize that your ministry is the perfect place for temporary residents to get connected.

5. Standby Volunteers  –  Some churches have developed successful “Standby” programs that promotes temporary helpers. Several established church members, who aren’t regular volunteers, sign-up for the standby program that asks for occasional service only. This standby rotation model works well for members who are committed to the church but aren’t serving regularly.

6. Family Fun  –  Recruiting families as a unit to staff your summer programs may be something you haven’t considered. Families of all shapes and sizes can make valuable contributions to your summer programs.



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