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Transform Your Church From Me To We

Transform Your Church From Me To We
August 6, 2015 CVDaily Editors

Need to motivate and inspire others to become involved in ministry?  Looking for ways to create eager and dedicated volunteers?

Transform your church to reflect an Ephesians 4 culture…where serving is a ‘get to’ not a ‘got to’…by bringing the course, “Building an Equipping Church”, to your congregation. This unique training, from Group’s Equipping Institute, will give your people the vision, tools, and systems to create a church that values the biblical foundation of the priesthood of all believers.

In 2  1/2 days you’ll go through 10 high-impact workshops that will help your leadership develop realistic strategies for:

    • Developing high-performance ministry teams
    • Implementing proven connection systems
    • Creating a success map of 10 action plans for their specific ministry
    • Releasing and empowering God’s people to be the church

You set the date and time. Invite as many people as you’d like to attend. There’s no limit to the number of people you can train—all for one low price. You’re even permitted to offer this event to your community and charge a registration fee to help fund the training. The Equipping Institute offers a turn-key opportunity to sponsor the course, trainers, and material at your church. 

Here’s what one pastor had to say about bringing this training to his church:

“The Equipping Institute training at Clemmons United Methodist Church has transformed the culture of our congregation. It has moved us from a membership culture that asks, ‘what can the church do for me,’ to a discipleship culture that asks, ‘what can I do for Jesus in the community and world.’”

Dr. J. Matthew Burton, Jr. Clemmons United Methodist Church Clemmons, NC.

For more information on how you can sponsor this course, download the Host brochure.


[Editor’s Note:  If you’d like to experience this training, join us at Group in Loveland, Colorado, on October 7-9, 2015. For more information and to register, click here.]


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