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Is life a bit crazy…feel like a good scream?

Is life a bit crazy…feel like a good scream?
June 1, 2016 Meghan Brown

Your VBS to-do list is a mile long. You’re down to the last weeks before VBS. You still need more volunteers, need more donations, and need more time to get everything done before VBS week. Life can get crazy as a VBS Director. The team at Group has your back…we’re praying TONS for you. Dear friends, hear these words from 2 Corinthians 4:7—“Our great power is from God, not from ourselves.”  So take a deep breath and remember, Jesus will give you the courage and his power to accomplish all things VBS!


bible point

Bible Point 2

VBS enthusiast Meghan Brown is passionate about all things VBS and sharing God’s love with kids. A native Texan and graduate of Duke University, she loves sports, books you can hold in your hand and spending countless hours pinning things on Pinterest that she’ll never actually do.


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