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10 Signs You’re Technologically Challenged

10 Signs You’re Technologically Challenged
March 31, 2015 Bob D'Ambrosio

Calling all ministry ‘veterans’!  Do you remember doing ministry before email arrived on the scene? Was there a time when you connected with people face-to-face instead of “Facebooking” them?

Life has changed greatly in the last 10 years—and so has ministry. Putting off the move to online tools and social media is no longer an option for those who lead volunteers.

Today’s technologies can make ministry more effective. It allows us to connect with a generation that grew up on tweets, hashtags, and texting.  Take this assessment to see how you’re integrating technology with ministry.

Rate your answers:  3 – Consistently true;  2 – Sometimes true;  1 – Rarely true;  0 – Not at all.

___1. I have tweeted in the last week.

___2. I post to my blog at least once a month.

___3. I look on Pinterest to get ideas before I shop.

___4. I did most of my Christmas shopping online.

___5. My Facebook account is updated with posts at least 2-3 times a week.

___6. Donations to my church can be made online.

___7. I have posted a “meme” in the last 6 months.

___8. I’m familiar with Snapchat and have used this application.

___9. I have an Instagram app on my phone.

___10. I regularly conduct virtual ministry meetings in applications such as Google Groups and Wiggio.


21-30    Tech nerd alert! You are fully integrated in the methods of today’s technologies.

10-20    Getting started. You understand the basics of online tools and social media but they’re not fully integrated into your ministry or lifestyle.

0-9       Dinosaur zone. You and your ministry need to understand and embrace tools that will make your ministry more effective.

If you’re just getting started with online tools, or feel like you’re still in the dinosaur zone, there is hope. Join us for eConnect, November 4-6, 2015, in Loveland, Colorado. We’ll walk you through everything you need to know to help you and your ministry thrive in a digital world. You might even find yourself tweeting about this event on your way back home!

For more information about eConnect, and to register, CLICK HERE.


  1. Boo McCready 11 years ago

    Hmmmmmm, I have to travel to Loveland? Isn’t there a more technologically savvy way of doing this?

    • Author
      Bob 11 years ago

      This training is designed to be hands on, practical, and interactive. Just can’t get that format through an online delivery. And people who may not be familiar with technology wouldn’t want that delivery method anyway….so yes, come to Loveland and join the fun. We’re at the foothills of the Rocky Mountains… what a deal!

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