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Lead Where You Are….With or Without a Title

Lead Where You Are….With or Without a Title
April 30, 2013 Bob D'Ambrosio

Here are five ways to be a Christ-like leader….with or without a title.

Be a servant. Leading like Jesus starts with being a servant.  Title or no; position or no; we are called to serve God, others, the church, and the world. To serve means no job is “beneath” us. A servant shows a willingness to do whatever needs to be done, and to come alongside others (pastors, church leaders, volunteers, seniors, teens—whoever it may be) and serve on their level.  Your attitude will be a great example to your volunteers and to the church as a whole.

Be humble. Learning to put aside any ideas of entitlement or seniority can be hard for some people. Maybe you have seen this in volunteers when they assume a “position.” Model humility, gentleness, and a sincere appreciation for the opportunity to serve.

Be a visionary. Do you have a vision for where your ministry is headed? Can you see the impact you want to have or the lives you want to touch. [Be sure you share this with your pastor and with your volunteers!] A visionary also takes initiative in addressing challenges or problems within their areas of leadership. Make suggestions. Solve problems. Don’t wait for someone “higher up” to act!

Be compassionate. Ministry is about people first. True leaders have compassion for those they minister to and those they work with. Remember to see your volunteers as real people with real gifts and real needs. Compassion will motivate you to care for their spiritual and physical needs and understand the struggles they have in their lives. It will also inspire you to pray for them on a regular basis.

Be Kingdom focused. When we get busy, it’s easy to get caught up in the details and the down-to-earth challenges of church ministry.  Paul encourages us in Colossians to “set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.” You are doing kingdom business!  Even in the midst of serving and leading, remind yourself—and your team—that what you are doing has a higher purpose.

I hope you begin to see yourself as God does, as a leader in the Kingdom of God!  Your life can have great influence and greater impact as you lead like Jesus.



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