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Encouragement for Moms

Encouragement for Moms
May 7, 2013 Janna Firestone

“Be still, and know that I am God!”      –  Psalm 46: 10

I have to admit I often laugh when I read this verse.  While looking at my growing to-do list, combined with the clock telling me I’m already running late, I can’t see how this is possible.  Be still.

Though, I’ve also noticed that when God gave us this command, he didn’t provide a time frame.  He knows us better than we know ourselves and knows as we load our lives with to-do’s we think are in line with his calling, we also need time to stop. To be still. To be still with him. But for how long? Can I squeeze in a couple minutes or set aside a half day?  If I can’t even set aside an hour every morning like other women do, am I doing it wrong?

That’s where God has given us some freedom. His command (you know…one of those things for our own good) is to be still and know he is God. This is the place where we gain perspective and where God can speak his encouraging words to our souls.

There’s not an exact formula. Find a way that works to experience his presence. Here are a few ideas, depending on how much time is available.

A split second – There are moments like walking into a big meeting, taking a test, or in the middle of a tough discussion. There’s not much time, but the presence of God is needed. Breathe the name of Jesus, and watch for God to work.

A few minutes – Keep a daily devotional book in the car or in the kitchen. Find just a few minutes each day to read Scripture, hear encouraging words of someone who’s been there, and listen to what God is saying.

An hour – Yes, I said an hour. It is possible to set aside an hour of time to be still. Treat it like an important appointment…be on time, and don’t reschedule. Read a full chapter in the Bible. Take the time to reflect and hear how God applies it specifically to life.

A full day – Every once in a while, take a day away. Away for the cell phone, work, ministry, and life. Bring along a Bible, a journal, and just one question to ask God. Take the time to be still, listen, and experience his presence.

God is a powerful and creative God, meeting us right where we need him.

Find the Joy:  Look at your schedule for today. Block out some time (big or small) to be still and know that he is God.


(This devotion is from Group’s new devotion book for women:  If I Can Do All Things Through Christ…Why Can’t I Find My Car Keys?)



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