Are You Letting Your Volunteers Serve?
Lead oninLast July, while volunteering at a Group Week of Hope mission trip, I realized I’m still a recovering “one-man-band”. As…
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How God Defines Success
Lead oninHow do you know whether you’re being successful? That was the question I recently posed to a small group of…
Take Your Culture’s Temperature
Lead oninDoes your church have a volunteer-welcoming culture? It’s good to know, because slick volunteer recruitment won’t make a bit of…
3 Qualities of Discipleship
Lead oninI must admit it. Looking back at the years I was a pastor in the late seventies and eighties, I…
3 Steps to Transform Negativity
Lead oninI know you never have to deal with negative people at your church-—right? Unfortunately, many church leaders are familiar with…
Is Your Church Ready to be a First Responder?
Lead oninWhen it rains—-it pours! That’s been the case in Northern Colorado this past week. You may have heard of the…
Take These Steps When Redirecting a Volunteer
Lead oninIt must be Murphy’s Law. The person most eager and willing to serve as a ministry leader may not be…
It Takes a Team….. to Make a Pizza!
Lead oninShare this messy but scrumptious experience with your ministry team! Prepare pizza dough ahead of time, or thaw frozen ready-made from…
10 Tips for Effective Teams
Lead oninBuilding a strong ministry team takes intentional planning. Use these ten tips to create an effective team that is…