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Summer Sunshine for Your Soul

Summer Sunshine for Your Soul
June 2, 2014 Bob D'Ambrosio

Summer is here, but as the days are heating up, do you find your faith cooling off? It can be tempting to trade time with God for that pool party or barbecue! Don’t let your faith burn out just because it’s time for summer break. Pack your picnic bag with these faith essentials, and stay burning bright for Jesus all summer long!

Sunscreen (PRAYER) – Cover yourself with prayer every day for protection from burnout.

Snacks (SCRIPTURE) – Taste and see the Lord is good all summer by packing your favorite Scripture verses with you in bite-sized pieces to nibble on throughout the day.

Sunglasses (FOCUS) – Keep your eyes on Jesus, and you won’t be blinded by temptations that distract you from following your faith.

Beach Mat (REST) – Take a break from stress…and find your rest in Jesus.


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