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The 4 Myths of Equipping Ministry

The 4 Myths of Equipping Ministry
November 13, 2014 Chris Hardy

Does your church demonstrate the equipping value of the priesthood of all believers? Sometimes we think our church is moving in that direction, only to realize that we’re leading a program, not changing the DNA. Be on guard against these mistaken notions as you transition toward an equipping culture:

Myth #1 – Thinking that equipping is a trendy new program or potential church-growth technique. It is not. Rather, it’s the fulfillment of our biblical call to lead and equip others for ministry.

Myth #2 – Focusing on developing effective, healthy ministries before developing healthy, effective people. When we relegate “equipping” to ministry development, we effectively elevate programs above people.

Myth #3 – Believing that equipping is someone else’s responsibility. Regardless of the role we fulfill in ministry, equipping people is our responsibility.

Myth #4 – Thinking that accomplishing tasks is more important than developing people. We cannot focus on our to-do list while we overlook the person in need of our presence.

If we just dip our toes into equipping leadership, others will see through our facade, and we’ll experience failure. Jerry Culbreth, senior pastor of Tryed Stone New Beginning Church in Cincinnati, Ohio, says, “My number one role is to be an equipping leader myself…the vision must be owned before it is shown!”

Culbreth acknowledges that becoming an equipping leader means overcoming these myths. It’s a journey requiring a constant check on our motivations and pride. It’s a challenge to ensure that our motivations are for the ultimate success and growth of another and to monitor how often our pride slips into our decisions and reactions. Jerry says, “As you shift the culture to equipping, the tendency to make people accept what you say may manifest itself…beware of caring more for yourself and your plans than for the people of God.”


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