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What Your Volunteers Want You To Know This Thanksgiving

What Your Volunteers Want You To Know This Thanksgiving
November 25, 2014 CVDaily Editors

Since this is the time of year we stop and give thanks it’s only appropriate that we share with church leaders what their volunteers what them to know.

Those who are served by pastor’s and ministry leaders have received a lifetime of blessings. Here are just a few.

Thank you for…

…knowing our names and the names of our family members.

…demonstrating, through your life, how to keep the faith in tough personal times.

…praying for us.

…resisting the temptation to pass along gossip.

…your thoughtful handwritten notes.

…allowing volunteers to run with their ministry passions.

…your eagerness to learn—even from non-ministry voices.

…acknowledging your weaknesses.

…your passion for finding lost sheep.

…remembering to say thank you—even when we forget to do the same.


Have a blessed Thanksgiving,

Your Volunteers



[Adapted from the book, Why Nobody Wants To Go To Church Anymore, Group Publishing, Inc., 2013]


  1. Grace 10 years ago

    Thanks for sharing this. We will pass it along to all the volunteer administrators and coordinators we work with.

    In honor of Thanksgiving we shared the following with our volunteer clients.

    Showing volunteers & staff gratitude:

    1. Compliment them on a talent, skill, or strength that you admire.
    2. Encourage them to try something you know they want to try, but haven’t yet because they’re scared.
    3. Acknowledge something they always do well.
    4. Write a hand-written thank you note, acknowledging things you value about them and their work.
    5. Give them something that you think they would enjoy.
    6. Be the calm, light voice in a stressful situation.
    7. Look them straight in the eyes and say, “You make the world a better place.”

    Showing yourself gratitude

    1. Make a list of ways you have impressed yourself lately.
    2. Give yourself time (without guilt) to completely enjoy a passion you’re too busy to normally fit in your schedule.
    3. When someone compliments you, thank them and let them know you’re proud of that skill, talent, or accomplishment.
    4. Take a complete inventory of all the good things you have done for other people and the world. You’ll be amazed.
    5. Share the beauty that is you with the people around you, knowing they’re fortunate to have you in their lives.

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